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Translating a client’s sustainability ambitions into action

CEC can act as the client’s support team to provide focus, direction and get sustainability actions done. We take a two-pronged approach to translating strategies into ‘doing’:

A. Strategic guidance and project management support

 Rethinking and building sustainable strategies for institutions and companies

Creating implementation plans based on client’s sustainability strategy

Improve performance and create a sustainable advantage for enterprises

Engage with clients to raise awareness around environmental & social challenges in the Kingdom under CSR initiatives

We use the following approach:



Studying and analysing client’s sustainability strategies

Deliver action together through project management support

CEC can support the client in delivering the portfolio of sustainability actions


Help strengthen the client’s sustainability strategies by rethinking and building them

Collective Intelligence

Using design techniques, identify action steps to achieve sustainability ambitions

Creating a Portfolio of action

Present a portfolio of actions (interventions, projects, shifts) to curate an implementation plan

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